• Be early. Please do your best to arrive on time ideally 5-10 mins early. We typically will extend a 5-10 minute grace period as long as the class is still in the middle of the group warm up, but ultimately it is at the Coaches discretion and safety assessment.
• Check your ego at the door. This is a community of like minded individuals reaching for the same goal. Please be respectful and treat others the way you would like to be treated.
• Be prepared. Bring your hand grips, wrist wraps, knee sleeves, belt, grip tape, icy hot whatever you need to get you through your workout.
• Clean up. Clean up your sweat, blood and puke. Pick up your used tape, pens, notebooks, scrap papers, chalk, band-aids, water bottles and sweaty clothes. Put away all the equipment you used back where it belongs.
• Chalk stays in the chalk bucket. Chalk is already messy as it is and when you step on it, disaster! Do your best to put the chalk back into its bucket. If you step/smash it, clean it up.
• Respect our equipment. Drop as a last resort! Put things down gently especially with 15lb or less bumpers. ALWAYS keep your weight under control. NEVER drop an empty barbell, a kettlebell or dumbbell unless your physical safety is imminently endangered. Equipment is expensive please be respectful.
• Bring things to our attention. If you notice that equipment is broken, lights are out, there’s no toilet paper, bring it to our attention so we can do something about it.
• Try hard. Effort earns respect. Work hard. Don’t drag people down with a bad attitude. Be optimistic, have fun and push yourself and those around you to do better.
• Push your limits. The only way to get stronger is to increase the load. Strive to go a little heavier and a little faster every class, but always maintain good, safe form. Never say, “I can’t.”
• Don’t cheat. No one cares about your score (unless you’re being competitive with a friend) but everyone cares if you cheated.
• Don’t coach. We love it when we see members working with each other, giving advise and assisting with movements but when it comes down to coaching, please be respectful and let the coach coach.
• Don’t judge. We all can be a bit competitive when it comes down to the WOD. Don’t be judging if you see another athlete/member is doing a movement wrong. Not everyone who comes is competitive like you. In time you will get to know the ones who are.
• Safety first! If you see someone or something that you’re pretty sure will hurt them, advise them to stop and notify a coach — if Joe is deadlifting with a rounded back or some equipment seems to be broken, let a coach know.
• Come to class. For newbies, make sure you’re staying consistent because the more you attend the better you become. Everyone needs coaching regardless of your experience.
• Take ownership. Be responsible and respectful and take pride in your gym. Don’t let others get away with things that are bad for them or bad for the gym. Remind people to take their clothes with them and pick up their water bottles.


• Babies in strollers are welcome to accompany a parent to class.
• You are responsible for ensuring your baby doesn’t disrupt class, even in the middle of your workout.
• You are responsible for making sure your stroller is parked in a safe and secure location: please ensure that there is PLENTY of space between your stroller and anyone who is working out with weights (including you!)

• You can bring your child to the gym, but to minimize disruption and potential safety hazards we ask that you only bring kids if absolutely necessary.
• Out-of-stroller kids must be at least 5 years old to accompany a parent to the gym.
• If there are 5 or more athletes in the gym, kids must sit off of the gym floor and not play with any gym equipment.
• If there are less than 4 athletes in the gym, kids may stay with their parent.
• Kids must not play with any equipment unless their parent has signed an under-18 waiver for them.
• Kids must not get in the way of group class.
• Parents/Guardians are responsible for making sure your kid is staying safe and out of the way, even in the middle of your workout.
• Coaches and front desk staff are not responsible for your children.
• We reserve the right to ask you to take your child home if we deem it necessary.
• Ultimately it will be coaches discretion and safety assessment.

***If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please send us an email to

Please reach out to us before posting any negativity on social media. Let us have the opportunity to resolve any issue/s you may have.

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